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Kotobukiya announces new My Little Pony, DC Figures and more

by Sean P. Aune | August 25, 2020August 25, 2020 9:30 am EDT

Kotobukiya held a virtual expo recently to show off upcoming figures, and there are some great new pieces on the way in 2021.

We at The Nerdy has been pretty unabashed in our love the Bishoujo My Little Pony series. While it’s about to come to an end of the main ‘Ponies,’ Kotobukiya has found a way to extend it. It was already known Cutie Pie was getting translucent hair, but now so is Twilight Sparkle. The company has also added Sunset Shimmer (April 2021) to the lineup and she will be joined by Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.

DC will see Mera and Thomas Wayne in April 2021, and Stargirl will arrive in July 2021.

Trapper and Hillbilly from Dead by Daylight will take care of your horror fix in 2021.

The anime Fire Force will see two figures at some point in 2021.

This isn’t the entire lineup for 2021, but we clearly have a lot to look forward to.


Sean P. Aune

Sean Aune has been a pop culture aficionado since before there was even a term for pop culture. From the time his father brought home Amazing