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Rotten Tomatoes adds verified audience scores

by Sean P. Aune | May 23, 2019May 23, 2019 12:30 pm EDT

Rotten Tomatoes finally have come up with a solution for the rash of review bombing the site has seen.

Over the past few years, various fan groups have turned to a tactic known as ‘review bombing’ to drive down the audience score of a film they would like to see fail. That may finally be coming to an end, however.

Starting with movies released on Thursday, Rotten Tomatoes will add a verification mark next to any review that comes from someone who bought a ticket through its parent company, Fandango. Before the end of the year, verification will also be added for major exhibitors as well such as AMC, Regal, and Cinemark.

This is what the scoreboard will look like going forward.

Rotten Tomatoes - Verified Score Sample - 01

And then it will break down further.

Rotten Tomatoes - Verified Score Sample - 02

While there are sure to be people who find some sort of way around the system, or possibly turn to other platforms such as bombing trailers on YouTube with downvotes, this should help bring an end to the bombing scenarios.


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Sean P. Aune

Sean Aune has been a pop culture aficionado since before there was even a term for pop culture. From the time his father brought home Amazing