As fans await the arrival of The Mandalorian, the first live-action Star Wars series, work is underway on the second series. The series doesn’t have a title as of yet, but it will be a prequel to Rogue One: A Star War Story and focus on Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) and K-2SO (Alan Tudyk).
We’ve known that Stephen Schiff was set up as showrunner, but now Variety is reporting that Lucasfilm is bringing in someone familiar to the characters. Tony Gilroy, who co-wrote Rogue One, will be writing on the Andor series as well as directing a selection of the episodes.
Rogue One received a mixed reception when it was first released, but seems to be viewed more favorably as time goes on. What was never in question, however, is that people were intrigued by wanting to explore Andor’s character more. There were some definite hints dropped in the film to his past and it not always being a clean life, and that intrigued people. Could the Rebellion be dirtier than we thought all these years? It sure seems so.
Right now there is no known release date for the Cassian Andor series, but speculation suggests that it will be some time in 2021.
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