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Rise of Skywalker takes the top spot at the box office

Don’t be too surprised if there is a third film announced in very short order for the Jumanji franchise

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker came in first, but with the caveat of landing lower than expected numbers. It also scored the lowest opening of the new trilogy. It came in with $175M domestic and $198M foreign for a total of $375.5M.

Second place went to Jumanji: The Next Level with $26.12M for a new domestic total of $101.93M and globally has hit $311.93M.

Frozen II came in third with $12.3M. It now stands at $386.53M domestically and $666M overseas for a global total of $1.052B. It marks the sixth Disney film to break $1B at the box office this year.

Fourth place went to Cats with $6.5M domestically and $4.4M foreign for a total of $10.9M off of a $95M budget. Yes, this is a bad opening.

Knives Out landed in fifth place with $6.12M for a new domestic total of $89.57M, and a global total of $185.57M off of a budget of $40M.

This week’s wide releases will be Little Women and Spies in Disguise.



Sean P. Aune

Sean Aune has been a pop culture aficionado since before there was even a term for pop culture. From the time his father brought home Amazing