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World of Darkness RPGs headed to film and TV

by Sean P. Aune | April 29, 2021April 29, 2021 8:30 am EDT

The World of Darkness role-playing universe is getting set to return to TV screens as well as hitting movie theaters.


With every major platform looking for a shared universe of content right now, it seems some eyes are finally settling on the world of role-playing games. Production company Hivemind (The Witcher, The Expanse) is teaming up with Oscar-nominated writer Eric Heisserer (Arrival) and Christine Boylan (The Punisher, Constantine) to develop the World of Darkness universe for film and television.

Launched in 1991, the World of Darkness covers the RPGs Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Orpheus, and Hunter: The Reckoning.

“The World of Darkness story universe is deliberately and unapologetically inclusive and diverse,” said Boylan in a statement. “It has always made a point of including equal gendered characters, protagonists and antagonists of every race, and representation of all creeds — bringing a female and diverse audience to gaming like nothing prior. Its games and fandom are a place where women, POC, and the LGBTQI community feel welcome and we are very proud to bring these stories to life.”

Heisserer said in a statement, “The legacy of these stories is way ahead of its time, inviting issues and perspectives other games ignored. This feels like the next step for genre.”

“Eric and Christine are among the most extraordinary creators working today,” said Hivemind president and co-founder Jason Brown, “and they’re also gamers who have played in WOD since it began. It’s a rare opportunity when the connection between storyteller and story runs this deep, and that is the alchemy which has led to many of our favorite and most culturally resonant franchises.”

The World of Darkness already has spawned comic books, video games, and novels. There was also a short-lived TV series called Kindred: The Embraced on Fox in 1996.


Sean P. Aune

Sean Aune has been a pop culture aficionado since before there was even a term for pop culture. From the time his father brought home Amazing