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Riverdale production shuts down due to Coronavirus scare

by Sean P. Aune | March 12, 2020March 12, 2020 10:30 am EDT

It has been announced that Riverdale has halted production on season 4 due to an abundance of caution following potential contact between a team member and someone infected with the coronavirus.

Warner Bros. Television has announced that production has halted on Riverdale season 4 following a member of the team came in contact with a person that has tested positive for the coronavirus. There is no indication at what level of the production this person is involved at this time.

“We are working closely with the appropriate authorities and health agencies in Vancouver to identify and contact all individuals who may have come into direct contact with our team member,” Warner Bros. Television said in a statement. “The health and safety of our employees, casts and crews is always our top priority. We have and will continue to take precautions to protect everyone who works on our productions around the world.”

It has also been announced that Survivor has delayed the beginning of production on season 41 as a precaution. Around the world, a multitude of delays, suspensions, and cancelations have been occurring due to the uncertain state of the world at this time. We imagine we will be hearing many more stories like this in the coming days.


Sean P. Aune

Sean Aune has been a pop culture aficionado since before there was even a term for pop culture. From the time his father brought home Amazing