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Roku Ultra receives major upgrades for 2024

by Sean P. Aune | September 24, 2024September 24, 2024 9:00 am EDT

Roku has announced major updates to its Roku Ultra device for 2024 that will see increased processing and Wi-Fi speeds.


The Roku Ultra is receiving its first major update in a few years, and performance enhancements will be seen across the board. The processor has been updated to an all-new quad core version that has been built specifically for streaming applications. It will include support for 4K, HDR10+, BoDby Vision, and Dolby Armos. But the most immediate improvement consumers will likely interact with is a 30% increase in app loading which will also speed up navigation in the menus.

The chip will also add machine learning to begin anticipating which app you will more than likely open next to preload it.

The Ultra will continue to offer an Ethernet port for those who wish to wire the device to their home network, but for those who prefer wireless, the Wi-Fi has been upgraded to Wi-Fi 6.

Not all of the upgrades will be internal. The 2024 Roku Ultra will include the previously released Voice Remote Pro (2nd edition), which allows you to speak commands to your Roku. It will also allow you to locate the remote should you lose it by simply saying, “Hey, Roku, where’s the remote?” And, perhaps even better, it is rechargeable via USB-C, so no more need to worry about buying batteries for one of the most used devices in your home.

The Roku Ultra 2024 will be available in the coming weeks on and at major retailers.


Sean P. Aune

Sean Aune has been a pop culture aficionado since before there was even a term for pop culture. From the time his father brought home Amazing