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The Simpsons may be heading to Disney theme parks

by Sean P. Aune | January 8, 2025January 8, 2025 10:24 am EST

According to new surveys sent to guests, Disney may be pondering bringing The Simpsons to its theme parks.


Currently, guests at Universal Studios theme parks in California and Florida can spend some time in Springfield, U.S.A., with the characters from The Simpsons. The contract that allows for that is due to expire in 2028, and it seems that Disney is pondering not renewing the licensing deal.

Select guests of Disney theme parks have been receiving a survey asking what interest they would have in character meet & greets with Simpsons characters, as well as potential theme park rides.

Disney took over the rights to The Simpsons when it purchased 20th Century Fox. The Simpsons being licensed to Universal Studios was a pre-existing deal, and probably one that Disney is anxious to take control of once again. Even if the company doesn’t decide to use the characters in its parks, allowing a competitor to use them is something it would rather not see happen.

This would be an interesting moment for Disney as its theme parks have been a target for numerous jokes over the course of the animated series. If it would lean into those joeks remains to be seen.

Don’t expect any announcements soon, but this move does seem inevitable.


Sean P. Aune

Sean Aune has been a pop culture aficionado since before there was even a term for pop culture. From the time his father brought home Amazing